Auto Injuries


Low Back Pain

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Work Injuries

Causes of Low Back Pain

Many tissues can generate low back pain. Unfortunately, research shows that the exact tissues causing low back pain cannot be specifically identified in up to 80% of individuals. In other words, we cannot single out the tissue(s) responsible for the pain. These patients are said to suffer from "nonspecific low back pain"; the specific cause of the pain cannot be determined.

Although the specific tissues causing low back pain are difficult to identify, chiropractic doctors have found a number of factors consistently present in low back pain patients. These factors include vertebral subluxations, faulty spinal biomechanics, deconditioned spinal musculature and the practice of poor postural habits and techniques. By addressing these factors - the actual causes of the tissue injury - chiropractic doctors are able to obtain extraordinary results in low back pain sufferers.

Common events leading or contributing to the development of lower back pain include:

  • incomplete rehabilitation of past injuries
  • lack of proper and periodic lumbar spinal alignments
  • presence of lumbar spine subluxations
  • improper lifting techniques
  • auto accidents
  • improper workstation setup
  • poor posture
  • prolonged sitting
  • prolonged use of non-ergonomically designed equipment
  • excessive repetitive torsal motions
  • exposure to vibratory forces (truck drivers, jack hammer operators)
  • scoliosis (lateral deviation of the spine)
  • fallen foot arches and other foot abnormalities
  • physical inactivity
  • poor diet and nutritional practices
  • smoking

Structures which are often the source of lower back pain include:

  • lumbar intervertebral discs
  • lumbar facet joints and joint capsules
  • lumbar and pelvic muscles and ligaments
  • lumbar and sacral spinal nerves
  • sacroiliac joints

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