Professional Athlete Testimonials |
Professional athletes and sporting teams are discovering the many benefits of regular chiropractic care. Just read what the following professional athletes have said about chiropractic care:
- According to Arnold Schwarznegger, "We are a perfect team. The world of fitness and the world of chiropractic."
- Barry Bonds of the San Francisco Giant remarked, "I go to Dr. Athens (doctor of chiropractic) on a regular basis. By getting adjusted once a week, I feel I can sustain my career a lot longer. Athens adjusts 3/4 of the team. I'm happy we can have chiropractic services at the park, I don't think we would ever go without it."
- Female tennis star Martina Navratilova stated, "A chiropractor was instrumental in putting my body back together. Since then I've visited the chiropractor many times for a variety of problems and solutions. As Americans become more aware of the need for preventive medicine, alternative therapies will play a bigger role in our lives. After all, people like what works."
- Deters, DC. (Ed). Muscle & Fitness 1995- Nov.
- Panter. Barry Bonds: The Most Valuable Player. Today's Chiro 1997; May/June: 60-66.
- Navratilova Martina's Column: Natural Health. Conde Nast Woman's Sports 1998; March 1998: 60-61.
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